You can also share this page with other people and invite them to like the server on this page, this will help to increase your rating in our server top. I do not cover everything within wire, but i help you getting startedOverview: Buttons: 1:54Wir.
If your server has its own site, you can embed the widget of this server on your site so that visitors to your site can see the current current information on the server in real time. Hi everyone I hope this helps you getting started with wire. If you are the administrator of the server Mobius Sandbox, you can get access to edit the server information, specify your contact details and server description. If you like this server, you can like the server or add the server to your favorites. It also added props from Team Fortress 2, Half Life 2: Episode Two, and Portal, which brought big smiles to the Garrys Mod community. On January 15th, 2008, an update was released which moved Garrys Mod over to the Orange Box engine. Here you will find all the necessary information on the server Mobius Sandbox : server address (, server statistics, top players, current server map, statistics on players and maps on the server, server admin info. Garrys Mod remains the most popular Half Life 2 mod to date, with thousands of users playing at any given time. Welcome to the server page Garry's Mod Mobius Sandbox